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Publication name: Scottish Grocers' Federation Healthy Living Programme Evaluation March 2014
Date: 24 April 2014
Description: The Scottish Grocers’ Federation (SGF) Healthy Living Programme (HLP) was established in 2004 and is funded by the Scottish Government, with NHS Health Scotland acting in a performance management role. The aim of the programme is to improve the accessibility of healthy affordable foods by supporting convenience retailers, particularly those in deprived areas where diet is traditionally poor, to expand and improve their offering of healthier options.

Comprising a quantitative exit survey of customers, telephone depth interviews with programme staff, retailers and stakeholders, and analysis of existing monitoring data, the evaluation assessed four key areas: the efficiency of programme delivery; programme reach, particularly in deprived areas; the effectiveness of the programme in improving the range and display of healthier foods in participating retailers; and whether the improved range and display of these foods has resulted in increased sales, and therefore, consumption, of these foods.

Elements of the HLP have been very successful. In particular, the recruitment process has been proven to be highly effective however the levels of engagement in the programme varied. The programme cannot continue to increase in numbers, maintain quality engagement and widen the focus, at the current levels of staffing so programme priorities and future direction need to be clarified.
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